Beth El – Keser Israel Events for September 2024

High Holy Days
Tickets for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services can be purchased for $150 from the BEKI office; email or call (203) 389-2108 x114. Active-duty military, police personnel, and full-time students may enter for free with valid official ID; however, advance arrangements are required.
Two Author Talks
Author and New Yorker cartoonist Liana Finck will discuss her two new books, You Broke It! and How to Baby: A No-Advice-Given Guide to Motherhood on Sunday, September 8.
On Sunday, September 22, New Haven native Joshua Perry will speak about his new novel, Seraphim, in which a public defender in New Orleans represents a 16-year-old who has confessed to a murder. Perry, who is Solicitor General for the State of Connecticut, was a public defender in New Orleans for ten years.
Both authors will sign copies of their books for purchase. Refreshments will be served. Admission is free, but reservations will be appreciated. Details at
Children’s Programs
BEKI’s K-6 religious school, called BINA, is accepting registrations from member and non-member families through the BEKI office, 203.389.2108 x114 or School starts September 11.
Children's Havura, K-2 Kehila, and Junior Congregation, all led by parent or grandparent volunteers, meet each Saturday. For more information, consult Education Director Annie Norman-Schiff at
On Saturday, September 7, children are invited to bring a favorite stuffed animal to receive a special blessing on Rosh Hashanah La-Behemot, the Rosh Hashanah for animals.
Youth Groups
7th to 12th graders are invited to a pizza party at BEKI on Sunday, September 15 to kick off the new year for BEKI’s USY (United Synagogue Youth) group. More information is at
4th to 8th graders can pick their own apples for Rosh Hashanah on Sunday, September 22 at Bishop's Orchards in Guilford with Annie, Rabbi Eric, and friends old and new. To reserve a spot in this Kadima Youth Group event, consult Education Director Annie Norman-Schiff at
Roya Hakakian Lecture
“Is Never Again Here Again? Anti-Semitism from Iran to America” will be the topic of a talk by Roya Hakakian on Thursday, September 19. Hakakian, who arrived in the US as a refugee in 1985, is a writer whose work often deals with the topics of exile, displacement, political and religious persecution. Her books includes Journey from the Land of No: A Girlhood Caught in Revolutionary Iran and A Beginner’s Guide to America for the Immigrant and the Curious. Admission is free, but reservations to are required. Details at
Study with the Rabbi
Rabbi Eric Woodward leads a discussion of the weekly Torah portion on Thursdays. Talmud class meets Sunday, September 29 and other select Sundays. Details at
On Wednesday, September 11 Rabbi Carl Astor resumes monthly learning sessions on Zoom, now focusing on Psalms: a Literary and Linguistic Analysis. Request the Zoom link from
New Year Song Circle
BEKI’s High Holy Day service leaders will lead an Elul niggun song circle on Saturday, September 14. A niggun, which is a wordless, melodic Jewish tune, can be a form of personal and communal meditation. Details at
Selichot Service
BEKI’s programming on Saturday, September 28, will include traditional Selichot prayers as well as a light meal and a conversation about repentance, “Let’s talk about teshuva.” Consult for details.
BEKI is located at 85 Harrison Street (corner of Whalley Avenue - Route 63 - in Westville)
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