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Congregation Beth El – Keser Israel Events for April 2023

July 4, 2024
Time to read:
The logo for beki congregation

Children’s Programs

Children's Havura, K-2 Kehila, and Junior Congregation, all led by parent volunteers, meet in person each Saturday morning.  For more information, consult Education Director Annie Norman-Schiff at

Classes with the Rabbi

Current learning opportunities with Rabbi Eric Woodward include a discussion of the weekly Torah portion on Thursday mornings and study of the Philosophy and Talmud study (Chapter 2 of Tractate Shabbat) on select Sunday mornings.  Details at

Rabbi Woodward will also lead a conversation entitled “Yom HaShoah and Yom HaAtzmaut: A New Omer?” via Zoom, Wednesday, April 26 at 7:30pm.  The mourning practices of the Omer commemorate a plague in the second century CE.  But what if a new, reinvigorated Omer commemorated the contemporary Jewish observance of the time between Yom HaShoah and Yom Ha’atzmaut?  What would be involved in making this move theologically and halakhically?  Email to request the Zoom link.

Passover Services

For the schedule of Passover holiday services, consult  BEKI offers in-person services twice daily, led by Rabbi Woodward and congregants.  Weekday services also are on Zoom.

Professor Uriel Abulof

BEKI’s Israel Discussion Group will host a talk by Uriel Abulof, Associate Professor of Politics at Tel Aviv University, on the topic “Suicidal democracy?  On the moral and emotional dimensions in Israel’s moment of truth.”  He will discuss current politics and judicial reform in Israel on Sunday, April 9 at 10 am.  The author most recently of The Mortality of Morality of Nations, Prof. Abulof studies political legitimation and violence, focusing on nationalism, revolutions and ethnic conflicts in, and beyond, the Middle East.  Email to request the Zoom link.

Yom HaShoah Program

BEKI’s annual commemoration of Holocaust Remembrance Day will be on Zoom Tuesday, April 18 7:30 pm.  Starting with the lighting of yellow memorial candles, the program will include songs, poems and personal reflections.  Email to request the Zoom link.

James Berger Poetry

Poet and Professor James Berger will read from and discuss his 3rd book of poetry, The Obvious Poems and The Worthless Poems, on Saturday May 6.  Berger, who is a Senior Lecturer in English and American Studies a Yale, published this latest book in November 2022.  Details at

Courtyard Campfire

Monday evening May 8 is Lag BaOmer, the 33rd day of the Omer.  The folk-custom is to sing around a campfire at a “kumsitz,” meaning “come” and “sit.”  BEKI’s program in the courtyard will feature niggunim—which have no words—as well as traditional American songs and Hebrew songs, all led by congregant Max DuBoff.  Song sheets will be provided.  Details at

Art by Dganit Zauberman

An exhibit by Israeli-born artist Dganit Zauberman, titled “Land in Flux,” will be on view in the BEKI Gallery from April 15 through June 14.  Based in a studio at New Haven’s Erector Square since 2016, she has exhibited in galleries located throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, California and Connecticut, including at the Institute Library and ArtSpace in New Haven.  Zauberman will discuss her work on Saturday, April 29.

<span class="fineprint">Located at 85 Harrison Street (corner of Whalley Avenue - Route 63 - in Westville)</span>

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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