Congregation Beth El – Keser Israel Events for June 2023

Children’s Programs
Children's Havura, K-2 Kehila, and Junior Congregation, all led by parent or grandparent volunteers, meet in person each Saturday, including through the summer. For more information, consult Education Director Annie Norman-Schiff at
Religious School Registration
BEKI’s K-6 religious school, which is called BINA, is accepting registrations from member and non-member families. School starts Sunday, September 10. More information and the registration form is at
Shavuot at BEKI
Shavuot services, led by Rabbi Eric Woodward and congregants, will be held Friday, May 26 and Saturday, May 27. Yizkor memorial prayers will be included on May 27. Details at
Study with the Rabbi
Rabbi Woodward leads a discussion of the weekly Torah portion on Thursdays. Details at
Celebrating 300 Members
For the first time since the 1960s, BEKI’s membership now exceeds 300 family units. While most of the newcomers are young families, another growing demographic is grandparents who have moved to the New Haven area to be near their children and grandchildren. The congregation will celebrate this membership milestone at the annual meeting on June 14.
Pride Shabbat
Saturday, June 17 will be the congregation’s annual Pride Shabbat, honoring the diversity of gender identity and sexual orientation of BEKI’s members. Details at
Courtyard Campfire
Because of the success of the Lag BaOmer gathering, BEKI has planned another campfire singalong for adults and children. On Thursday, June 22, Max DuBoff and other participants will teach songs from summer camp (both English and Hebrew songs). Everyone is invited to roast vegan marshmallows and create s’mores (with graham crackers and fairtrade chocolate). Details at
Interfaith Service Day
BEKI is participating in an interfaith day of service Sunday, August 6. Projects that morning will include building a house with Habitat for Humanity, preparing food for the hungry with the Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen, restoring a cemetery with the Hebrew Burial and Free Loan Association, pounding guns into garden tools with Swords to Plowshares, or cleaning a shoreline with Save The Sound. Lunch will be on the New Haven Green at 12:30 pm, with festivities until 4 pm. For more information about joining the BEKI work team, contact
Art by Dganit Zauberman
An exhibit by Israeli-born artist Dganit Zauberman, titled “Land in Flux,” is on view in the BEKI Gallery through June 14. Based in a studio at New Haven’s Erector Square since 2016, she has exhibited in galleries located throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, California and Connecticut, including at the Institute Library and ArtSpace in New Haven.
Located at 85 Harrison Street (corner of Whalley Avenue - Route 63 - in Westville)
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