Exciting September Events at B’nai Jacob: Security Training, Shabbat Dinner, Selichot Services, and More

Weekly Services
Daily Minyan Services
MORNING MINYANIM (In the Chapel and Zoom)
- Monday through Friday - 7:45am
- Sunday- 9:00am
- Sunday through Thursday- 6:00pm
Rabbi Shapiro teaches Torah at minyan several days each week. Please join us!
Weekly Shabbat Services
- Erev Shabbat: 6:30pm
- Shabbat Mornings: 10:00am
YAHAD, the combined religious school for Congregation B’nai Jacob and Congregation Or Shalom, is gearing up for an exciting year of education with newly reduced tuition rates. Open to both members and non-members, the program serves students in grades K-7. NEW for the 2024-2025 school year: transportation will be available on Wednesdays from Beecher Road School to Congregation B’nai Jacob. For more details, visit bnaijacob.org.
Upcoming Events
Security Training: Introduction to Situational Awareness
Upcoming Sessions:
- Saturday, September 14, 1:00 PM (in-person only)
- Wednesday, September 25, 7:00 PM (in-person and Zoom)
Congregation B’nai Jacob will host two sessions of security training led by Michael Shanbrom from the Secure Community Network (SCN), supported by the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven. Learn how to recognize and respond to suspicious behavior to protect yourself and your community during the High Holidays.
Both sessions will cover the same material. Adults and children 12+ are welcome. No registration required. For more information, visit bnaijacob.org or contact Adam Dworkin at adworkin@comcast.net.
CBJ Kids Shabbat Dinner
Friday, September 20, 5:30PM
Families of all ages and sizes are invited to join us for a lively Shabbat celebration! The festivities begin with a heartfelt service featuring dancing, singing, stories, and prayers. Afterward, join us for a complimentary Shabbat dinner where both kids and adults can enjoy food and drinks.
Selichot Services
Saturday, September 28, 7:45 PM
Join us for this year’s Selichot event, which will include a screening of the acclaimed 2017 Israeli film The Cakemaker, followed by a discussion, dessert, and the meaningful Selichot service. This is a wonderful opportunity for reflection and connection as we prepare for the High Holy Days. For more details, visit bnaijacob.org.
The Medicinal Value of Chicken Soup with Dr. Howard Taubin
Sunday, September 29, 10AM
When you're feeling ill, do you reach for a bowl of “Jewish Penicillin?” Perhaps your mother was right! Join gastroenterologist Dr. Howard Taubin on Sunday September 29th as he reviews scientific literature supporting the healing properties of chicken soup, and shares insights from his own experience during a critical illness.
Congregation B’nai Jacob is located at 75 Rimmon Road, Woodbridge, CT. ALL ARE WELCOME! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 203-389-2111 or email us at office@bnaijacob.org.
This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.