From the Ground Up

Many of us in Woodbridge are gardeners, and others are actual farmers! At this cold, snowy time of year, we think of the promise of spring: enriching the soil, planting seeds and watching them blossom into the flowers, fruits, and vegetables of summer. A vibrant democracy works in a similar way. The ideas and values of the people at the local level are communicated to their town, then the state, and ultimately guide national leaders.
How this happens is often overlooked but is particularly relevant now, as our political parties choose delegates to the various nominating conventions for the 2024 elections. Following is a brief summary of the Connecticut Democrats’ process, which is guided by state law for all political parties.
But first let’s look at the offices that will be on the ballot for Woodbridge voters this year:
- State Representative, 114th District (currently held by Mary Welander);
- State Senator, 17th District (currently held by Jorge Cabrera);
- State Senator,14th District (currently held by James Maroney);
- U.S. House of Representatives, CT’s 3rd Congressional District (currently held by Rosa DeLauro);
- U.S. Senator (currently held by Chris Murphy);
- President of the United States (currently held by Joe Biden).
The Democratic candidate for each of these offices will be determined at a convention held for the purpose of making the relevant nomination. There will be individual conventions for State Representative, for each of the State Senators, and for U.S. House of Representatives. There will be a single statewide convention for choosing the candidate for United State Senator. (In gubernatorial election years, which 2024 is not, the Constitutional Officer nominations for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the State, Attorney General, Comptroller, and Treasurer are made at this same statewide convention.) Also, and very importantly, the statewide convention is where the Rules and the Platform of the Democratic Party are adopted for the next two years.
The Woodbridge Democratic Town Committee selects delegates to each of these conventions. The number of delegates to which Woodbridge is entitled is determined by State Party rules. (Membership in the Town Committee for the next two years was decided at a publicly noticed January caucus open to all registered Democrats in Woodbridge.)
With respect to the Presidential election, we should all mark our calendars for April 2nd, when the Connecticut Presidential Preference Primaries will be held.
I know this seems like getting into the weeds (to continue the gardening metaphor), but it demonstrates how each of us can have a voice—not only by voting, but also in determining who we have the opportunity to vote for and what our party stands for. It also brings home the party structure, whether Democratic or Republican, that connects who we are, our values and beliefs and what we do here at home, up to the state and national levels.
And speaking of here at home, First Selectman Mica Cardozo and the Board of Selectmen have hit the ground running. They have filled Board and Commission positions, approved capital improvement projects at Beecher, and are actively moving ahead with finding a solution for the Country Club. As Mica promised during the campaign, he and his team were indeed Ready on Day 1!
Finally, the Woodbridge Democratic Town Committee Nominating Committee will be meeting soon. For those of you who have reached out to us, we will be in touch with you. For others who would like to learn more about the Woodbridge Democrats, please email us at: or visit our website:
This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.