Get the Facts by Getting Involved

We have all heard the shocking revelations of Fox News executives’ and commentators’ intentional disregard for the truth. Behind the scenes, they repeatedly mocked the “Big Lie” that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election, while continuing to support this position on air. Even the Chairman of the Fox Corporation, Rupert Murdoch, had to admit under oath that Fox News hosts “endorsed false 2020 election claims.”
With millions of Americans still trusting Fox as their sole news source, it is understandable that America remains so divided. We cannot survive as a country if lies go unchallenged or are treated as “alternate facts.”
What can we do here in Woodbridge as these events unfold on the national stage? For starters, we can be vigilant locally about ascertaining facts and refuting misinformation when we hear it. But how do we get the facts about local issues and assess their accuracy?
In our small town, government is run by our friends and neighbors. We know them and talk with them. And our town government is open for you to observe and participate. All Town Board and Commission meetings are open to the public, and public comment is often part of the agenda. Written communications are made part of the record. Our Town closely follows the requirements of the Connecticut Freedom of Information laws.
Our First Selectman Beth Heller also provides regular updates through a monthly column in the Woodbridge Town News and in our own Town News and Events newsletter, both of which are sent to every household. If you have questions or are curious about how the town works, you can explore the Town website:
And on Monday, April 24th at 7:30 PM at the Amity High School auditorium, there will be a Preliminary Budget Hearing open to the public. This is an ideal opportunity for you to learn and ask about budget details, have input, and make suggestions for changes.
Looking further ahead, this is a local election year - the first November election for the Town. Our Town Clerk and our Registrars of Voters have demonstrated time and time again that we can count on fair, free and secure elections in Woodbridge. Our state leaders, too, have made voting rights and voting security cornerstones of our democracy in Connecticut.
The Constitutional Amendment that passed last year now allows early voting for the first time in Connecticut. While the General Assembly has not yet enacted the details on how long the early voting period will be, it is anticipated that it will be in effect for the November elections. While other states and their local governments are already hearing of misinformation campaigns, we are looking forward to the election season with confidence in our process.
The Woodbridge Democratic Town Committee is committed to protecting our First Amendment freedoms, without which democracy can neither thrive nor survive. If you are interested in learning more about the Woodbridge Democratic Town Committee, please get in touch with us by emailing us at: or visit OUR NEW WEBSITE:
<span class="fineprint">This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.</span>
This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.