Internet Provides An Excellent Resource For Voter Education

The municipal election is just ten days away, and some voters may be wondering what the different candidates stand for. This year, more than ever before, a number of voter guides can provide a wealth of information.
Starting with the websites of the two respective parties – the Woodbridge Democratic Town Committee and the Republican Town Committee there is a wealth of information to be had.
Both websites not only list their candidates, but personal statements and goals. The Republicans also published a list of commitments they are making to the voters, which are quite wide-reaching. Among them is the pledge to not vote for any housing on the Woodbridge Country Club property; to initiate a charter revision and adopt the town budget by referendum; to propose tax abatements for senior citizens; and more.
Mica Cardozo, the Democratic candidate for First Selectman, meanwhile has his own list of priorities. On his website, he lists first and foremost a “2030 Plan,” to create a thriving commercial district. He also pledges to work to solve the Country Club conundrum, which has divided the town for many years. Recognizing that “Education has been an engine of success for our community,” Cardozo pledges to establish a strong partnership with both Beecher Road School and Amity. Plus, he lists a Green Energy sustainability plan among the areas he wants to work on. “My goal is to develop a sustainability plan that leverages renewable energy opportunities for our Town and evaluates recycling and composting options.”
In addition, the election to the Amity Regional Board of Education has generated a lot of interest, given that there are a lot of new names on the ballot, in particular in Orange – which may change the makeup of the board in significant ways. There are several sources to learn about these candidates. The Amity Allies site was pulled together by Orange Democrat Robert Lim: . Unfortunately, the Orange Republican candidates did not contribute to this effort. However, some personal statements can be found on the website of the Orange Republican Town Committee.
All four of the Woodbridge candidates, the two Democratic incumbents as well as two candidates on the Republican ticket, submitted responses. As your cursor hovers over the picture of the candidate, you can click on it to read their responses. Bruce Marien, a Democrat, is running on the Republican ticket, mainly, so he said, “because that was the only slot available.” Truth be told, his assessment of the current leadership at Amity does align with the Republican party, in particular his concern that Amity has slipped in the standings, compared to other Connecticut schools.
Democrats like Dr. Sudhir Karunakaran, an incumbent on the Amity board, have pushed back, saying the information was inaccurate and based on outdated information. Amity is in fact among the top 20 schools, he showed in great detail. This debate plays out on both the RTC and the WDTC websites.
New this year is a voter’s guide published by the national League of Women Voters, called The local branch, the Amity League of Women Voters, swung into action and contacted local candidates for the First Selectman spot, the Board of Selectmen and the Amity Board of Education. It took some searching to find the local page, but once there, the reader can see all the responses to the same question side-by-side.
Given the retirement of First Selectman Beth Heller, along with three of the five currently serving selectmen, Woodbridge is entering a new era of town government, and voters have a chance to give direction in what is important to them. A few moments of Internet research are well worth the effort.
You can view candidate bios here on the Woodbridge Town News website.
This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.