Know your neighbors, know your town, empower the community.

Leading From Behind

July 4, 2024
Time to read:
An elephant statue with the flag of USA painted on it

For those who do not know me, I am honored to be the new Chairperson of the Woodbridge Republican Town Committee (the “WRTC”).  As the Chair, I want to emphasize the focus of the WRTC – we care about Woodbridge as a Town, not state or national politics.  In my short time in this capacity, it is abundantly clear to me that every member of the WRTC is eager to help our town be the best it can be.

The WRTC supports people of all political affiliations who seek to put forward their talents in order to help our town.  Indeed, over 30% (4 of 13) of the candidates we endorsed for the 2023 election were registered as Unaffiliated or Democrat, not Republican.  We take the same approach when recommending residents to serve on appointed Boards and Commissions.  We focus on each person’s talent, experience, and ideas.  As Chair, I will build on the WRTC’s tradition of seeing beyond party affiliation and focusing on what is important to Woodbridge.  I also pledge to support the town and its leadership through the sharing of information and ideas.  These monthly columns will focus on local issues.

Given the recent confirmation of our new leaders, and the months of campaign materials you’ve undoubtedly seen, you are likely aware of, and perhaps well-versed in, the critical issues our town continues to face.  To meet these challenging topics, we need collaboration, creative thinking, and knowledge sharing.  While I am doing the writing, I want these columns to highlight the ideas and insights of others.  I ask that you reach out to me (, those in office, or those on the WRTC if you have ideas and/or suggestions about how to keep Woodbridge moving forward.  One such way to offer your thoughts is to attend our monthly meeting on the second Tuesday of each month, in the Senior Center.  We typically start between 7pm and 7:30pm.

Diversity of thought is tantamount to success, and we can support our new town leaders with our insights and perspectives that might otherwise be overlooked.  We are fortunate to have a town full of intelligent and well-intentioned people to offer ideas and participate in creating solutions.  To assist in the exchange of ideas, the WRTC will make background information and supporting facts available on our website, at  Together, we can use this newspaper space to enhance the discussion and resolution of our important town issues.

My goal as WRTC Chair is to be supportive, respectful, and constructive.  If you are reading this, thank you for your time.  I look forward to learning more from you, sharing more with you, and growing with this community.  I wish you all and the town much success and happiness in 2024.

<span class="fineprint">This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.</span>

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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