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Letter: Supporting the Amity Budget is Investing in Our Children’s Future

April 6, 2023
Time to read:

On May 2, voters in Woodbridge will be able to vote on the Amity Budget.  Historically, referenda measures do not have a very high voter turnout.  However, our students, teachers, and administrators rely on our participation to ensure they have what they need.  I urge everyone to vote in favor of the proposed budget.

The Amity Budget is critical to maintaining high-quality education in our community.  By supporting this budget, we can ensure that our educators and administrators have the resources they need to provide the best possible education for our children.

Furthermore, the Amity Budget allows us to provide our children and teachers with the programs and tools they need to succeed.  The budget supports the diverse needs of our students and helps prepare them for the future.

As we all know, our children are the future of our community.  By supporting the Amity Budget, we are investing in that future and ensuring our children have the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the years ahead.  It is up to us to ensure they have the best possible education and opportunities.

I urge everyone to vote in support of the Amity Budget on May 2.  Please make the time to come out and vote to invest in our children and their futures.  The election will be held at The Center Gym from 6 am until 8 pm.  Absentee ballots are also available.

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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