Read Across America At Beecher Road School

For the first time since the pandemic, guest readers were invited back into the classrooms at Beecher Road School for Read Across America Day. To coincide with the school’s Empathy Week activities, the special event took place on March 9.
The theme of Empathy Week this year was “Empathy towards newcomers,” and focused on the book “Wishes” by Muon Van Thi. According to the publisher, the book tells the story of a Vietnamese family’s search for a new home. Told through the eyes of a young girl, the story chronicles her family’s difficult journey to pack up what they can carry and to leave their world behind, traveling to a new and unknown place.
The PTO, which traditionally supports Empathy Week by donating books to each classroom, this year purchased a copy of the book for every student. Teachers were encouraged to include activities such as how to welcome a newcomer and introduce alternative communication devices.
The school also planned a number of activities exposing students to different cultures, including, for example, foreign languages and Vietnamese music. Empathy Week culminated in an all-school art project.

Guest readers included State Rep. Mary Welander; Youth Services Director Nancy Pfund, Board of Finance member Susan Jacobson, Principal Analisa Sherman and Assistant Principal James Sapia, Librarians Katie McCollom and Larissa Crocco, PTO member Linda Christy, and PTO President, Ruchi Jain; Board of Education members Lynn Piascyk, chairman; Dr. Jay Dahya and School Supt. Vonda Tencza; also, district IT manager Anthony Billings.
As a surprise to the third and fifth grades, several members of the Denver Bronco cheerleading squad managed to visit the school and read to students as well. The visit was arranged through parent Jeremy Rosner.
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