Spreading Holiday Joy & Opportunity: Woodbridge Youth Services Delivers

Holiday Cookie Decorating Party
This was a popular class at Amity Middle School-Bethany on December 8th. Teens became very creative with their decorating designs and even took some cookies home to share with friends or family members. Happy conversations and laughs were shared along with hot chocolate and snacks for a warm holiday event. Woodbridge Youth Services and the Town of Bethany sponsor after-school events.
Woodbridge Volunteer Fire Department Helps Santa Deliver Toys
The Woodbridge Volunteer Fire Department went above and beyond to offer transportation for Santa and Mrs. Claus who delivered some toys to children of Woodbridge families in need. Youth Services is most appreciative of their many efforts.
Local Musician Uses Talent to Collect Toys
Youth Services thanks local drummer Arti Dixson and his friends who collect toys from many who attend performances from Mr. Dixson and other musicians who use their talents to make a difference for those in need. Toys were offered to local families to help provide hope and smiles during the holiday season.

Vaping Prevention
Youth Services invited Tricia Dahl, Research Assistant and Community Educator on Vaping from Yale School of Medicine to offer presentations to each grade at the middle school on December 12th. Students received information about addiction, changes in the brain, and chemicals that may be ingested while vaping. More awareness of the safety concerns allows young people to make better decisions about their health.
Job Bank Seeks Woodbridge and Bethany Teens Who Want Work
The Job Bank guides teens ages 13-18 as they apply, interview, and earn money doing odd jobs for Woodbridge residents. Teens are needed, especially for snow shoveling, raking and yard work. Contact the Job Bank to schedule your interview. Other jobs include babysitting, housework, animal care, tutoring and tech assistance.
Teens Need Jobs
Woodbridge residents who wish to hire someone for odd jobs like raking, babysitting, yard cleanup, snow shoveling, moving boxes, etc. Save your energy and keep teens working to gain experience. Call 203-389-3429 for more information.
Call 203-389-3429 or email youthone@woodbridgect.org or npfund@woodbridgect.org for information or to sign up for programs.
Sign up for Youth Services Notifications: https://www.woodbridgect.org/list.aspx
See Youth Services’ Website: https://www.woodbridgect.org/160/Youth-Services
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WoodbridgeYouthServices.CT
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