Spring Fun! Woodbridge Youth Services Hosts Spring Festival for 7th & 8th Graders

Woodbridge Youth Services will host an upcoming Spring Festival outside at Amity Middle School Bethany on Friday, May 10th, 2024 6pm-8pm! There will be refreshments, music, games and Remote-Control Racing! This event is for the 7th and 8th grade Woodbridge and Bethany residents as well as current AMSB students!
Please contact Woodbridge Youth Services (203) 389-3429 or youthone@woodbridgect.org to PRE-REGISTER your child so that we may have an appropriate headcount. Cost is $10 per student, PAY-AT-DOOR!
Parent and mature high school volunteers are needed! Any help would be greatly appreciated for this event. Contact Youth Services at the number and email above to sign up as a volunteer.
Call 203-389-3429 or email youthone@woodbridgect.org or npfund@woodbridgect.org for information or to sign up for programs.
- Sign up for Youth Services Notifications: https://www.woodbridgect.org/list.aspx
- See Youth Services’ Website: https://www.woodbridgect.org/160/Youth-Services
- Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WoodbridgeYouthServices.CT
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