The First Church of Christ, Woodbridge for December 2023

The First Church of Christ welcomes you to our Worship Service every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. in the Meetinghouse. Kid’s Church every Sunday morning at 10:10
Interim Minister
The Rev. Susan Murtha is the Interim Minister at FCCW and has made quite an impact. Plan a visit to see what is “happening.” You can also read about her on our website. We are honored to have such an extraordinary individual here with us at First Church!
Kid’s Church at First Church!
Families meet at the church at 10:00 and at 10:10 the children are walked over to the Parish House for Kid’s Church by Forest Vandeflor, our project leader for children’s ministries, along with an adult volunteer. This is a great time for the children while their parents are at the worship service! We’ve also added a fabulous new program: Picture the Bible that has already been a great success here at First Church!
Weekly Bible Study
Bible Study meets at the Parish House each Wednesday, 10:30 am. All are invited!
Scout Troop 907 News
Troop 907 is a diverse youth-led troop with scouts from Woodbridge and area towns. It is chartered by the First Church and is active and vibrant. Always welcoming new scouts, feel free to stop by the usual troop meetings at the First Church Parish House, rear entrance, on Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM. Meet scoutmaster Tom Luciani, assistant scoutmasters, and youth leadership and learn about upcoming adventures. More at ~ Rich Forselius, Troop 907 Committee Chair
Junior Girl Scout Troop 60163
Troop 60163 was very busy our first few months as Juniors! We completed the Outdoor Journey! Camping, cooking, hiking, studying wildlife and creating epic outdoor fires (while reviewing fire safety). As part of the Journey, we are tasked with creating a Take Action project-to make the world a better place by educating others. Our Take Action project was to educate our community on ways to save the bees. We made bee fountains and handed them out at the “Woodbridge Like Me” event and spoke to families about the importance of bees. The end of October found us celebrating our founder, Juliette Gordon Low, whose birthday is October 31st. We provided a service to First Church-helping with the decorations for their Halloween event. Followed by a party with games and treats. The girls have had their first cookie booth of the season but do not worry if you missed it, cookie season officially starts at the end of January! Finally, we completed the Girl Scout Wellness mind, body and spirit Patch! Some of the requirements included being mindful and full of gratitude, new breathing techniques and how to make delicious banana “ice cream”. We are wrapping up 2023 with a yummy cookie swap (we really do love cookies). And are so very excited for the new year! Yours in Scouting, Tamara Lyhne, Troop Leader 60163

Upcoming Events
Holiday Family Fun
December 16th 10:00- 11:30AM @ Parish Hall, 5 Meetinghouse Lane
Cookie decorating, ornament making, all family sing-along with Christina. Check around the Parish House for More updates closer to the date!
Drive Through Home Goods Drive
December 16th 10:00-11:30AM @ Parish Hall, 5 Meetinghouse Lane
Bring soap, detergent, toiletries. Things that food banks need but aren’t often donated. Drive through our area for drop off with a volunteer.
All Ages Christmas Eve Service
December 24th 3:30pm @ Sanctuary 5 Meetinghouse Lane
We will be hosting a carols and lessons service on Christmas Eve. This will take the place of the 10am Worship Service. Our collection will go to IRIS (Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services) in New Haven.
Aging as a Spiritual Journey
A Special Six Week Program, January 22nd, February 12th and March 4th 2024
11:30, Parish Hall, 5 Meetinghouse Lane
Join us in the parish hall for the special series on aging and spirituality with 3 meetings in the beginning of 2024. Each time there will be a soup and bread lunch. Be on the lookout for a flyer with more details.
IRIS Furniture Collection
IRIS is collecting furniture to help furnish 40 apartments in the metropolitan area. If you have: Tall Dressers, Sofa, Rugs, Full dish Sets, Dining Room Tables+ Chairs, End Tables, Pots, Pans or glasses to donate contact the Office.
Zoom Option
The option to attend Sunday Service via Zoom continues to be available. To receive an invite, please email the office or log on to our website and add your name to our church email list. All people in the community are welcome in person or via Zoom.
*If you would like assistance gaining access to Sunday Services, please call us by Friday morning, at 203-389-2119, or email us at
Office Hours
The Church office in the Parish House is open from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Join the FCCW Choir!
New members are always welcome. Join us for rehearsals each Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.
For More Information
Visit our website at for resources such as our calendar of events, monthly newsletter, ministry and volunteer opportunities, photo galleries, scout info, and much more! Follow us on Facebook and stay up to date with parish happenings, including memorials and baptism announcements. Feel free to email us or call the office with all your questions. We are happy to hear from you!
First Church of Christ
5 Meetinghouse Lane
Woodbridge, CT 06525
Phone: 203-389-2119
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