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The Grand Portrait Reveal

August 31, 2023
Time to read:

The Amity & Woodbridge Historical Society invites you to the first view of the grand portraits of William A. Clark (1810-1879) and his wife Emily Dibble Clark as they are installed at the Darling Farmstead and History Museum at 1907 Litchfield Turnpike on Saturday September 23 from 3-5 p.m.  The people and their portraits, as well as the story of their return to Woodbridge, is one of the important features of the history of Woodbridge.

William A. Clark was undoubtedly “one of the most influential Woodbridge personages of the 19th century.”  He was a Yankee inventor and entrepreneur.  Come learn about the patented process he created that helped put Woodbridge “on the map.”  (Hint:  It’s something still produced today that many of you still likely have your houses.)

The Clarks’ return to Woodbridge was made possible by the very generous donation of the portraits to the Society by the Clark’s third great granddaughter, Cristine Alonso.  She will be on hand to unveil the larger-than life-size portraits and share stories with all of us about the “world travels” of the portraits.  We thank Cristine and her family for enabling their return home.  For more information about the Clarks and their portraits, please visit our website and the article on this subject in the Spring, 2023 AWHS Newsletter [].

Please join us for this historic event for our town!

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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