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Woodbridge Agriculture Committee

February 14, 2023
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Hello Woodbridge farmers and those interested in the conservation of Woodbridge’s working lands and agricultural economy.  We’d like to re-introduce the Woodbridge Agriculture Commission, which is into its second year of activity.  Commission members consist of Kristyna Hulland of Off Center Farm, Steve Munno of Massaro Community Farm, Chris Sorensen of Merry Mountain Farm, Leland Torrence of Forward Farm, and Andrea Urbano of Sperry Falls Farm.  The Commission meets regularly at 8:00 PM every second Tuesday of each month between October and April and often hosts a special meeting during the growing season.  Interested residents can visit the Town website for meeting minutes and agendas.  Please direct your agricultural related inquiries and concerns to Gerry Shaw at  We are here to be of service and look forward to hearing from you.

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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