Woodbridge Human Services from February 2023

Masks and test kits available: Contact Woodbridge Human Services if you would like to pick up at-home test kits, and a few medical, or KN95 masks. Please no walk-ins.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA): Tuesdays, 9 am - 12 pm. VITA is a free tax preparation service available to individuals who are income qualifying, to people who have a disability, and to those who speak limited English. For required tax documents and to schedule an appointment call 203-389-3429. The program began February 7 and runs through April 11.
Energy Assistance Program: Human Services is accepting appointments for residents applying for the 2022-2023 CT Energy Assistance Program administered by TEAM, INC. Income eligibility requirements must be met. For information, or to schedule an appointment, call Judi Young at 203-389-3429.
Food Pantry: Residents in need may call for access to non-perishable food each month. If interested in donating, the food pantry is in need of coffee, canola and olive oil, jams/jellies, canned chicken, laundry soap and personal hygiene products such as deodorant, toothpaste, razors, and shampoo.

Emergency Preparedness: Prior to a weather event or potential power outage, elderly residents and those with disabilities are encouraged to register to be placed on the Emergency Call List by calling Human Services.
Needed! Medical Loan Closet: Transport wheelchairs, in good working order, are needed for the Medical Loan Closet. Please contact Human Services to donate.
Mail and Package Theft: There have been a few local mail and package thefts recently. Some tips provided by the US Postal Inspection Service to ensure your mail safely arrives at its destination include promptly picking up letters and packages from your mailbox and at your door, depositing your mail in blue collection boxes close to pick-up time, bringing your important mail into your local Post Office, and not sending cash in the mail. To report mail theft, go to https://faq.usps.com/s/article/Mail-Theft or call the Woodbridge Police Department.
Identity Fraud: When your personal information is stolen, it is identity theft. When your stolen data are used fraudulently, it is identity fraud. If you think you have been targeted, call the AARP Fraud Watch Network Helpline at 877-908-3360.
Departments work together for assistance to residents: The Human Services Department gratefully accepted a $3,000 donation for the Resident Assistance Fund from the proceeds of the Recreation Department’s annual 5K run. Thank you to the great Recreation team and all who participated in the event!
Recreational Marijuana: Legal recreational cannabis sales began on Jauary 10 in Connecticut for those 21+. For information and guidance on the new laws and applications, please visit https://beintheknowct.org/.
This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.