Woodbridge Land Trust sponsors hikes for Connecticut Trails Day

The weekend of June 3-4 was the thirtieth anniversary of Connecticut Trails Day, a statewide event sponsored by the Connecticut Forest and Park Association. On Saturday June 3, a large and enthusiastic group of hikers (pictured above) gathered at the former Country Club of Woodbridge for a hike guided by a local bird expert and by a Forester from the State DEEP. Hikers learned about the rare and valuable “shrubland” habitat at the CCW that has made it a magnet for birds, pollinators, and other threatened wildlife. Some rare birds were spotted, including a juvenile bald eagle! The walk was co-sponsored with the Woodbridge Park Association and the town’s Recreation Department.
On Sunday, Land Trust President Bryan Pines led a hike of the Trust’s historic “Lodge” property, used by the Regicide Judges Goffe and Whalley in 1661 to avoid capture by the British agents loyal to King Charles I. One of the largest glacial erratics (glacially deposited rock differing from the type of rock native to the area in which it rests) in Connecticut was observed on the walk, along with the rare and beautiful wild orchid commonly called Pink Lady’s Slipper.
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