Woodbridge Recreation for July 2023

2023 Summer Concert Series
Summer Concerts will be held on Tuesday evenings in July, from 6 to 8 pm, at Woodbridge Town Green. The first concert will be held on Wednesday, July 5th due to the July 4th holiday. July 5 will be the Lamar Peters – Elvis Presley tribute show. July 11 features Jukebox 45 Show Band – CT’s premier 50s & 60s oldies doo-wop show band. July 18 features West Rock – classic rock. July 25 is the Rumrunners – party rock/classic rock. In case of inclement weather, check woodbridgect.org for rain date information.
Summer Camp
There is still time to register For Woodbridge Recreation Summer Camp! Camp will run June 26 through August 4, 9 am - noon at Beecher Road South School for campers entering grades 1-8. Camp offers a wide range of activities including arts and crafts, drama, fitness, and more. Register for summer camp online at woodbridgect.org, click recreation, and then click online registration.
Camp (Grade 1-8): Residents [Non-Residents]
- 6 Weeks: $600 [$650];
- 5 Weeks: $550 [$600];
- 4 Weeks: $500 [$550];
- 3 Weeks: $450 [$500];
- 2 Weeks: $375 [$450];
- 1 Week: $275 [$400].
Summer Yoga & T’ai Chi
T’AI- CHI – Thursday evenings. 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm in room 16 at the Center Building– Adults – ongoing registration.
YOGA – with Bill Banick- Adults -Daily mornings 8:30 am to 9:45 am, and Tuesday evenings available 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm. Ongoing registration. New sessions run from June 1– August 31 in room 16 at the Center building.
GENTLE YOGA— with Diane King-- Monday and Wednesday morning classes 10:30 am to 11:45 am, and Monday evening classes available, 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm– ongoing registration. Current Monday session: May 1– June 26. Current Wednesday session: May 3-June 28. All classes take place in room 16 in the Center Building.
For registration information, please visit https://secure.rec1.com/CT/woodbridge-ct/catalog.
This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.