Woodbridge Recreation Summer Camp

Woodbridge Recreation Summer camps will run June 26 through August 4, 9 am - noon at Beecher Road South School for campers entering grades 1-8. Camp offers a wide range of activities including arts and crafts, drama, fitness, and more. The CIT program is for those going into 9th grade $650 for residents and $700 for non-residents. The Volunteer program is for those going into 10th grade. Limited spots available in both the CIT & volunteer programs. Priority registration given to those that were enrolled in camp last summer. Register for camp online at woodbridgect.org, click recreation registration. Volunteer and counselor applications are also available online at woodbridgect.org.
Camp (Grade 1-8): Residents [Non-Residents]
- 6 Weeks: $600 [$650]
- 5 Weeks: $550 [$600]
- 4 Weeks: $500 [$550]
- 3 Weeks: $450 [$500]
- 2 Weeks: $375 [$450]
- 1 Week: $275 [$400]
2023 Summer Concert Series
They will be held on Tuesday Evenings in July, from 6 to 8 pm, at Woodbridge Town Green. The first concert will be held on Wednesday, July 5th due to the 4th of July holiday. July 5 is the Elvis Presley tribute show “Lamar Peters”, featuring music from an Elvis Presley tribute artist. July 11 features “Jukebox 45 Show Band” CT’s Premier 50s & 60s Oldies Doo-Wop Show Band. July 18 features “West Rock” – Classic Rock. July 25 is the “Rumrunners” (Party Rock/Classic Rock). In case of inclement weather, check the Town website woodbridgect.org for rain date information.
Tennis Permits
For use of all Town public tennis courts for the playing of pickleball or tennis, please contact the Woodbridge Recreation Department for a no-cost permit to reserve your times. (Multiple times and days can be reserved for up to three weeks.) Permits are available from April 15th to November 1st - three weeks in advance. Permits for court times can be reserved by Woodbridge residents and registered nonresident pickleball players only. Contact our Department at (203) 389-3446, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm. Pickleball and tennis permits will be emailed to you. Once reserved you must have your permit with you while you are playing. This will be proof you have reserved that court for that specific time period.
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