Woodbridge Town Library News for Passover/Easter 2023

All information accurate at press time. Be sure to check our website woodbridgetownlibrary.org or call us before your visit for any changes to our hours or events.
Library Announcements
The Friends of the Library Seek Student Volunteers
Woodbridge resident Richard Blackwell recently endowed an annual Volunteer Scholarship for graduating Amity High School seniors who have volunteered at the Friends of the Library bookstore. Mr. Blackwell values the spirit of volunteerism in young people; he is an enthusiastic supporter of the library and is also on the Library Commission. If you are an Amity student and you are interested in volunteering at the Friends of the Library, email the Friends with your contact information and the times you would be available at woodbridgectfriends@gmail.com.
Peeps in the Library Diorama Contest
If you’re participating in this year’s contest, please drop off completed dioramas by Saturday, April 8th. Dioramas will be displayed in the library starting the week of April 10th, so make sure to stop by and vote for your favorites!
Read, Recycle, Repeat - Earth Day Book Sale: Saturday, April 22
The Friends of the Library have received fabulous donations in the last few weeks: armloads of beautiful art books, an avalanche of clean books for younger children, including some reprinted Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew, several boxes of CDs, many jigsaw puzzles and board games, and language books from a multitude of cultures. We have also been able to weave into our collection books that the Library has weeded from theirs, including several book club selections.
On Saturday, April 22, as part of the Library’s Earth Day celebration, the Friends will hold a book sale in the beautiful Woodbridge Room on the Library’s Mezzanine from 10 am to 3 pm. The inventory now stored in our workroom, will be moved out onto tables in the Woodbridge Room. The books that are now in the Bookstore Alley will also be on sale. Prices will be at the usual rock-bottom level: paperbacks are three for a dollar, children’s hardcovers are $1, and adult hardcovers and puzzles are $2. Remember that, as always, teachers are invited to shop free, for any materials for their classrooms.
Our wonderful student volunteers from Amity High School will help us set up the sale and will be available to assist you in finding books on the day of the sale.
Now for sale: Totes with Notable Quotes!
Support the Library by purchasing a tote bag. $20 each, 2 for $35. Six different bags, each with a different quote. Examples: “A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us.” Franz Kafka; “No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself,” Virginia Woolf. Thanks to the Friends of the Woodbridge Library for their support.
Online Card Registration Available
Are you a Woodbridge resident? You can sign up for a library card online! Visit our website, woodbridgetownlibrary.org. After registering, you will immediately be able to use your new account to place holds on items for pick up at the library. We will then contact you via email within 2 business days with your new library card number. At this time, you will get full access to our electronic resources, including downloadable books and magazines. Please note that this is a temporary registration that will expire in 30 days. Before the 30 days is up, please visit the Woodbridge Town Library in person to verify your name and address. At that time, you will receive a permanent library card.
Do we have your email address?
Sign up for our email newsletters to receive notifications about events, new offerings, and library hours/closings. We typically only send one email a week. Join our mailing list by visiting our website and entering your email address in the form provided. That’s it! (You can also give us your email address while in the building.)
Need a Notary?
Notary Services are now available at the Library by appointment or by chance! Please contact the Reference Desk for more information desk (stop by or call 203-389-3434) or email Bill (warmstrong@woodbridgetownlibrary.org).
Library Information
We are open Monday through Thursday, 10 am to 8 pm and Friday and Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm. Visit the Library website 24/7 to access digital resources - woodbridgetownlibrary.org. We are fine-free and have automatic renewals on most items. Call or email to place holds, ask questions, find out information, and more.
Department phones and emails
Adult Services/Reference: 203-389-3434; reference@woodbridgetownlibrary.org
Children’s Department: 203-389-3439; childrens@woodbridgetownlibrary.org
Circulation/General info: 203-389-3433; circulation@woodbridgetownlibrary.org
Not sure who you need? Email askus@woodbridgetownlibrary.org.
Socialize with us!
Facebook: @woodbridge.town.library
Instagram: @woodbridgetownlibrary
TikTok: @woodbridge_town_library
From Adult Services
Author Talk: Sharon Ruchman
Friday, April 14 at 11 AM
Join us for a talk and performance with author and classically trained pianist Sharon Ruchman. She will be discussing her book, “The Gift of Rudy,” which is a memoir about Sharon’s journey of discovery through the life and music of her father’s uncle, a young violinist who died in a tragic plane crash in Lake Michigan during the 1933 Chicago World’s Fair. For more than 25 years, she traced the life of Rudy Fuchs, a musical prodigy whose life would have a major bearing on her own career as a musician. Please register online or at the library.
The History of Beekeeping and Connecticut’s Role in Apiculture
Tuesday, May 2 at 6:30 PM
How did the Honey bees’ get here? Are Honey Bees native to the United States? Who is L. L. Langstroth and why was Connecticut so important to him? Learn how the Langstroth Hive came to be and the Honey Bee’s importance to Agriculture! This lecture is presented by Catherine Wolko of The Humble Bee Honey Co. Please register online or at the library.
4 Critical Components to a Successful Retirement
Tuesday, May 9 at 6 PM
Learn how to get the most out of your retirement with these 4 critical components: Inflation, Social Security, Taxes Now & In Retirement, and Market Volatility & Income Needs. This workshop is presented by USA Financial. Please register online or at the library.
Library Skywatch ends mid-April
Every Monday & Tuesday, conditions permitting (dark & clear), a reference staff member will assist the public in identifying and viewing celestial objects with our new Zhumell 1114mm refracting telescope. Join us on the Library lawn, from where we can see the Moon and the larger and closer planets. Telescope viewing starts 1/2 hour after sundown. Reservation not needed; walk-ins welcome. Contact Bill at warmstrong@woodbridgetownlibrary.org with questions.
Woodbridge Writers Workshop
Every second and fourth Tuesday of the month, from 3 to 5 pm. Gather with area writers as we read and critique our works in a friendly atmosphere. Register online or at the library. More information on our website or call the reference desk.
Woodbridge Scrabble Group
Wednesdays at 11 AM
Meet with friends and neighbors for friendly games of Scrabble every week in the Meeting Room. No registration required.
Indoor Film Screenings
Thursdays at 7 PM
Join us on Thursday evenings for a movie screening in our Meeting Room. No registration is required to attend, but seating is first come, first serve.
April 13: The Whale
April 20: A Man Called Otto
April 27: Missing
Due to technical difficulties and staff illness, we canceled our March 16 & 23 film screenings Spoiler Alert and The Inspection—they will be shown in May. Stay tuned for the complete schedule!
Saturday Morning Meditation
Every Saturday at 10:15 am, one hour of silent Vipassana (mindfulness) meditation is hosted by experienced meditation instructors. Registration suggested, but walk-ins welcome too!
Especially For Teens
Teen Volunteers needed!
Check out our teen page on our website to see what volunteer opportunities are available, or email Emily Cantor, Head of Children’s: ecantor@woodbridgetownlibrary.org.
From The Children’s Department
Wednesday, April 12 at 2 pm: Blue Moon Raptors
Special Spring Break program! Advance registration required, no walk-ins day of event.
Monday, April 17 at 6:30 pm: Animal Facts Club
Ages 7+. Registration required; meets monthly. This month’s theme is desert animals!
Saturday, April 22 at 3 pm: Earth Day Craft
Ages 5+. Celebrate Earth Day at the library with an eco-friendly craft!
Tuesday, April 25 at 6:30 pm: Graphic Novel Club
Ages 9+. Come discuss the graphic novel Zita the Spacegirl by Ben Hatke and do a fun activity relating to the book! Online registration required.
Recurring Programs
No registration required, come as often as you’d like! Please bring an adult with you!
—Mondays at 10:30 am: Baby Group (newborns to 18 months)
—Wednesdays at 10:30 am: Storytime (infants to age 3)
—Thursdays at 4 pm: Afternoon Craft Time (Ages 3+)
—Fridays at 11:30 am, ending promptly at noon: Morning Craft Time (Ages 3 to 5, perfect for preschoolers and homeschoolers!)
This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.