Woodbridge Town Library News for September 2023

All information accurate at press time. Be sure to check our website woodbridgetownlibrary.org or call us before your visit for any changes to our hours or events.
Library Announcements
The library will be CLOSED on Monday, September 4 for Labor Day. We will be open our regular hours on Saturday, September 2!.
Now Open Saturdays Year-Round
The Woodbridge Town Library is open on Saturdays year-round
Monday—Thursday: 10 am to 8 pm;
Friday & Saturday: 10 am to 5 pm.
Our wifi works on the library grounds, even when the library is closed. Picnic tables are available. Enjoy!
Online Card Registration Available
Are you a Woodbridge resident? You can sign up for a library card online! Visit our website, woodbridgetownlibrary.org. After registering, you will immediately be able to use your new account to place holds on items for pick up at the library. We will then contact you via email within 2 business days with your new library card number. At this time, you will get full access to our electronic resources, including downloadable books and magazines. Please note that this is a temporary registration that will expire in 30 days. Before the 30 days is up, please visit the Woodbridge Town Library in person to verify your name and address. At that time, you will receive a permanent library card.
Do we have your email address?
Sign up for our email newsletters to receive notifications about events, new offerings, and library hours/closings. We typically only send one email a week. Join our mailing list by visiting our website and entering your email address in the form provided. That’s it! (You can also give us your email address while in the building.)
Need a Notary?
Notary Services are now available at the Library by appointment or by chance! Please contact the Reference Desk for more information (stop by or call 203-389-3434) or email Bill (warmstrong@woodbridgetownlibrary.org).
Library Information
Visit the Library website 24/7 to access digital resources - woodbridgetownlibrary.org. We are fine-free and have automatic renewals on most items. Call or email to place holds, ask questions, find out information, and more.
Department phones and emails
Adult Services/Reference: 203-389-3434; reference@woodbridgetownlibrary.org;
Children’s Department: 203-389-3439; childrens@woodbridgetownlibrary.org;
Circulation/General info: 203-389-3433; circulation@woodbridgetownlibrary.org.
Not sure who you need? Email askus@woodbridgetownlibrary.org.
Socialize with us!
Facebook: @woodbridge.town.library;
Instagram: @woodbridgetownlibrary;
TikTok: @woodbridge_town_library.
From Adult Services
“Pearls from Carol” Book Talk
Wednesday, September 13 at 6 pm
“Pearls from Carol” is a compilation of 20 years’ worth of writings from the late Carol Ruggiero, presented in this book talk by her husband, Albert. Join to hear about Carol’s life and her funny and thought provoking poems and essays. Please register: https://woodbridgetownlibrary.org/events/pearls-from-carol-book-talk/.
“Anna’s Choice” Book Talk
Saturday, September 23 at 12 pm
Join us for author Patty Meglio’s book talk about “Anna’'s Choice,” a historical fiction novel about a girl who must choose between her art career and her love. Please register: https://woodbridgetownlibrary.org/events/book-talk-annas-choice/.
Tips for Sleep with Wendy Hurwitz
Wednesday, October 4 at 7 pm
Come learn about tips to improve sleep and restorative rest in this free program. Please register: https://woodbridgetownlibrary.org/events/wendy-hurwitz-tips-for-sleep/.
Tips for Memory with Wendy Hurwitz
Saturday, October 14 at 2 pm
Come learn about the tips and techniques used by memory athletes in this free program. Please register: https://woodbridgetownlibrary.org/events/wendy-hurwitz-tips-for-memory/.
Woodbridge Writers Workshop
Every second and fourth Tuesday of the month, from 3 to 5 pm.
Gather with area writers as we read and critique our works in a friendly atmosphere. Register online or at the library. More information on our website or call the reference desk.
Woodbridge Scrabble Group
Wednesdays at 11 AM
Meet with friends and neighbors for friendly games of Scrabble every week in the Meeting Room. No registration required.
Indoor Film Screenings
Thursdays at 7 PM
Join us on Thursday evenings for a movie screening in our Meeting Room. No registration is required to attend, but seating is first come, first serve.
Upcoming Titles
Thursday, September 7: Bonnie and Clyde
R (violence) | Drama, Crime | 1 hr, 51 min. Bored waitress Bonnie Parker falls in love with an ex-con named Clyde Barrow and together they start a violent crime spree through the country, stealing cars and robbing banks.
Thursday, September 14: About My Father
PG-13 | Comedy | 1 hr, 29 min. When Sebastian tells his old-school Italian immigrant father Salvo that he is going to propose to his all-American girlfriend, Salvo insists on crashing a weekend with her tony parents.
Thursday, September 21: Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret
PG-13 | Drama, Comedy | 1 hr, 46 min. When her family moves from the city to the suburbs, 11-year-old Margaret navigates new friends, feelings, and the beginning of adolescence.
Thursday, September 28: NO FILM SCREENING
Please join us at our September artist’s reception, https://woodbridgetownlibrary.org/events/art-reception-ning-jia/.
Saturday Morning Meditation
Every Saturday at 10:15 am, one hour of silent Vipassana (mindfulness) meditation is hosted by Dr. Aruna Pawashe, a retired lecturer and scientist from Yale University. She has been practicing Vipassana (which translates as seeing things as they really are) meditation for over 15 years. She is a volunteer and a trustee member for the Vipassana Meditation Center in Shelburne, Massachusetts. Aruna has hosted many Vipassana meditation programs over the years throughout the greater New Haven area. When she is not available, Mrs. Nita Lathia, her colleague and fellow Vipassana meditation practitioner, will host the group meditation event.
Registration suggested, but walk-ins welcome too! Zoom option is available: https://woodbridgetownlibrary.org/events/meditation/.
From The Children’s Department
Thanks for a great summer and congratulations to everyone who took part in Summer Reading!! Hope to see you at our Fall events. Please visit our website for more details on each program and to register.
Candy Crafters: Fall Tree Cookies
Tuesday, September 5th at 6:30 pm
Use candy to make and decorate delicious creations. Ages 8+ Registration required. https://woodbridgetownlibrary.org/events/
Thursday Craft Time returns on September 7!
Every Thursday at 4 pm, in the craft room for ages 3 to 8.
Friday Storycraft will begin on September 8!
Every Friday at 11:30 am, join us for stories and a craft!
Play Dough Birds
Saturday, September 9 at 2 pm. For ages 3 to 6. Online reg required, space is very limited! https://woodbridgetownlibrary.org/events/play-dough-birds/
Animal Facts
Monday, September 11 at 6:30 pm. Ages 7+
Registration required. Meets 2nd Monday of every month. This month’s theme is Reptiles! https://woodbridgetownlibrary.org/events/animal-facts-3/.
Percy Jackson Bookclub
Monday, September 18 at 6 pm
Join us as we read through the whole Percy Jackson series, starting with The Lightning Thief! Registration required. https://woodbridgetownlibrary.org/events/percy-jackson-book-club-the-lightning-thief/
Poetry Craft
Stay tuned: Poetry Craft resumes at the end of September/early October. A take-home activity for ages 5 to 10. Registration will be required. Details to come soon.
September Graphic Novel Club
Tuesday September 26th at 6:30 pm
Join us to discuss Sanity & Tallulah by Molly Brooks. For 4th through 6th graders. Registration required.
Animal Show with Furry Scaly Friends of Prospect
Thursday, October 5 at 4 pm
A variety of animals will visit the library! Details to come soon, please check our website.
This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.