Woodbridge Youth Services News for May 2023

Call 203-389-3429 or email npfund@woodbridgect.org or youthone@woodbridgect.org for information or to sign up for programs. Like us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/WoodbridgeYouthServices.CT
Woodbridge First Selectman’s Youth Award Winner

Jack Morrison is the 2023 recipient of the First Selectman’s Youth Award. He is an Amity High School junior who has performed community service making “We Care Kits” for the homeless, “Gratitude Baskets” for school staff during Covid, trimming and leveling a path at a local farm, and assisting at local events. He works through the Job Bank repeatedly doing much physical labor for residents.
An elderly gentleman, who moved into a home where the outdoor space had been neglected, nominated Jack for his willingness to volunteer his efforts. Jack “converted the deterioration into pristine surroundings.” This man was also impressed by Jack’s many abilities and unsung talents. Jack is involved with his high school orchestra which provides music for concerts and award-winning musicals. He competes for his school on the math team within the greater New Haven Area, sings with their a cappella group, and plays trombone in the jazz band. Jack also provides music instruction to students in Bridgeport who do not have access to music. His award will be presented at a Volunteer Celebration in May.
Spring Fling Party for 7th & 8th Graders with Big Daddy’s Racing
On Friday, May 19, 6-8pm, behind Amity Middle School-Bethany, teens will enjoy RC cars, a DJ, refreshments, games, and the free raffle for fun prizes. AMSB students and all 7th and 8th grade residents of Bethany and Woodbridge are invited. Fee is only $7. Challenge your friends while you steer your RC car to win the race. Dance, play cornhole, and munch on snacks. Rain brings program inside to the gym. Check out our Facebook for the flyer. Woodbridge Youth Services and the Town of Bethany sponsor the evening programs.
Volunteers Needed: Adults, college students, and older high school students are needed to help between 5:30 and 8:15 pm. Email Youthone@Woodbridgect.org. Call 203-389-3429 to help.
Spring Paint Party
Youth Services is planning an after-school paint party for Amity Middle School-Bethany students on May 25 from 2:30 – 4:00 pm in the school’s West Cafeteria. Check our Facebook and the AMSB newsletter for details. No artistic talent is needed. Fee is $15 and includes materials and refreshments. Call Youth Services to register.
Woodbridge Job Bank Seeks Teens Who Want Work
The Job Bank in Woodbridge offers occasional jobs to teen residents (ages 13 – 18) who would like to work for Woodbridge residents to earn money. Youth Services provides an opportunity to learn about the interview process, safety on the job, and how to negotiate pay. Improve your communication skills and gain experience. Do snow shoveling, yard work, spring clean-up, babysitting, dog walking, etc. Call for an interview at 203-389-3464 or e-mail npfund@woodbridgect.org. Masks and social distancing may be required.
Teens Need Jobs
Woodbridge residents who wish to hire someone for odd jobs like babysitting, yard work, moving boxes, animal care, etc. Save your energy and keep teens working to gain experience. Call 203-389-3464 for more information.
Amity Connections Climbs to New Heights
Students at Amity High School join Amity Connections to mentor and be supported and supportive. Their actions did not go unnoticed when students visited Rock Spot to do some climbing in Wallingford. Teens cheered each other on to climb walls of many heights. Woodbridge and Orange Youth Services funded the trip on April 19th and sponsored a pizza lunch and snacks.
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