Youth Services for October 2023

Home Alone Class
A two-day class for youth, ages 9-12, will be held on Thursdays, October 19 & 26 from 4:00-5:00 pm in Room 16 in the Woodbridge Center Building at 4 Meetinghouse Lane. Students learn about answering the door and phone, emergencies, calling 911, healthy snacks, and internet safety. Snacks and materials are provided. Advance payment of $15 for residents ($20 for non-residents) and permission form will reserve your spot. Sibling discount offered. Call to sign up early as space is limited.

Youth Evening Programs-Halloween Spooktacular
Woodbridge Youth Services will be hosting this popular event for both 7th and 8th grade residents of Bethany and Woodbridge and all students of AMSB. Mark your calendars for Friday, October 20th, 2023, 6:30 to 8:30 pm in the Woodbridge Center Building Gym at 4 Meetinghouse Lane. Fee is just $10 (payable at the door) for music by our DJ, games, the mummy wrap, costume contest, raffle, and refreshments. Sponsors are Woodbridge Youth Services and the Town of Bethany.
Volunteers Needed
Adults, College Students, and high school juniors and seniors wanted to chaperone or assist at the registration tables, games, and food table. Community Service hours will be approved for high school students. Call Youth Services for information.
Job Bank Seeks Woodbridge and Bethany Teens Who Want Work
The Job Bank guides teens ages 13-18 as they apply, interview, and earn money doing odd jobs for Woodbridge residents. Teens are needed now, especially for yard work. Contact the Job Bank to schedule your interview. Other jobs include babysitting, housework, animal care, tutoring and tech assistance. Residents may call 203-389-3429 to hire a student.
Woodbridge Youth Advisory Board
Woodbridge Youth Services seeks Woodbridge parents to join its Advisory Board which meets five times per year (September through May). Contact Nancy Pfund at 203-389-3429 for more information.
Bethany, Orange, Woodbridge Drug and Alcohol Action Committee (BOWDAAC) New Members Sought
Our local prevention council works within our communities and local schools to provide programming and share information regarding vaping, tobacco, drug, and alcohol use. Contact Nancy Pfund at 203-389-3464 to get involved. Group meets monthly during the school year.
Drug Take Back Day
National Drug Take Back Day will be held on Saturday, October 28th from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Woodbridge Police Department at 4 Meetinghouse Lane and at High Plains Community Center in Orange from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. All unwanted/expired medications will be taken (including liquids and sharps). Volunteers from the National Pharmacy Association will be on site in Orange to answer any questions, along with the Orange Police Department, BOWDAAC, and CERT.
Amity Youth Awarded at Annual Regional Prevention Meeting
On September 20th, the Annual Regional Prevention Meeting was held with BOWDAAC, Milford Prevention Council, and the West Haven Prevention Council. A year-in-review was presented, as well as the upcoming goals for this year. In addition, each prevention council honored a volunteer that has gone above and beyond for their council.
BOWDAAC selected Ben Aviad, a senior at Amity High School, who serves on the joint BOW/Milford Youth Committee. Ben has shown great passion for the work we do and always has ideas of what projects we could work on next. He was an integral part of our Youth Problem Gambling Video project, helping to create the storyline and understanding how gambling affects youth. He is eager to work on new projects for this school year and we can’t thank him enough for volunteering so much of his time. Thank you, Ben!
Call 203-389-3429 or email for information or to sign up for programs. Sign up for Youth Services Notifications:
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