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Letter: Delighted to Support Vogel for Another Term as Selectman

September 28, 2023
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Based on knowing David Vogel for over 56 years, and having followed closely his service on the Woodbridge Board of Selectmen over the past two years, I am delighted to recommend him as a candidate for re-election to the Board.

One of Woodbridge’s greatest challenges is its finances.  Dave’s experience includes years of work at Yale’s development office and his leadership roles at the Whitney Center, where he serves on the finance committee and the philanthropy council (and where he has gained special insights regarding the needs of senior citizens).  His understanding of revenue and cost issues and his skills in identifying potential sources of savings and of income have added fresh eyes and a new voice on the Board in assessing and addressing Woodbridge’s ongoing struggle to reduce costs and lower our disproportionate mill rate burden.

Finally, Dave has been a vocal critic of the current Board’s majority party’s approach to singularly partisan governance.  Dave Vogel will continue to be a diligent spokesman for those whose views have been given inadequate attention for far too long, and he will seek to find appropriate compromise with every Board member who truly cares about democratic governance for Woodbridge.

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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