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Letter: Halprin is a Man of True Character

October 26, 2023
Time to read:

I appeal to you, no matter what your party affiliation, to vote for Marty Halprin, a man of true character.  Having known Marty for seven years, I am sure that he will be an outstanding First Selectman.  Here’s why:  For Marty, keeping our community members and children safe is a calling.  About five years ago, there were a number of threats towards Jewish schools and synagogues.  Marty was integral in installing additional security measures at Ezra Academy.  As in his firefighting career, he acted decisively and got the job done quickly.

Marty is unselfish and happily assists those in need.  Soon after moving into town, we noticed a leak in our ceiling.  We asked Marty for a plumber recommendation.  Instead, he drove right over and spent 4 hours exposing and fixing the leak.  Why does my silly leak matter?  Well, if you know how much care he took to fix our little leak, it is easy to see that he will bring the same dedication and attention to running our town.  Imagine what he will do to fix the infrastructure issues at Beecher Road School!  Fixing BRS is part of his platform, and you can believe it when he says it will get done.

I know that Marty will serve unselfishly and decisively, always keeping the best interest of our town and our kids in mind.  He has my vote, and I hope he has yours as well.

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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