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Letter: Make the Election a “Referendum”

October 26, 2023
Time to read:

In 2021, over 300 Woodbridge residents petitioned the Board of Selectmen to hold a referendum on the country club property.  We believed it was time for the people to decide the issue.  It’s bad enough – if not maleficence – that the administration sat on the clubhouse site for 15 years instead of selling and restoring it to the tax rolls.  But to subsidize housing developers with town-owned land only adds insult to injury.

Though the administration didn’t honor our petition, we can make the coming election a referendum on the 145 undeveloped acres.  We have to dislodge the grasp the present administration has on the property.  Let’s take hold of the chance to better our town and relieve the taxpayer.  It’s time for change.

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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