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Letter: Scalatter’s Article Appreciated by Reader

November 16, 2023
Time to read:

I appreciate Ellen Scalettar's recent article “Are you Woke?” and her efforts to advocate for Woodbridge to become a more diverse, accepting community which welcomes difference.  It is easy to truck in stereotype, labeling and give into fear of the other, letting our often toxic national dialogue seep into our local community discourse.  The imperative from Rabbi Hillel, “What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow man.  The rest is commentary,” offers us moderns the charge to truly love your neighbor as yourself.  Thanks Ellen for the reminder.

It is not through labels, but through openness to dialogue, kindness and willingness to listen to others, that we will help Woodbridge become a truly special community.

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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