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Letter: The Need for Open Dialogue

October 26, 2023
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I have had several conversations with Mica Cardozo and am struck by his willingness to listen and to consider all sides of complex issues.  It is quite clear that when it comes to the Country Club of Woodbridge (CCW), he will be eager to reach out to those holding different opinions in order to build consensus.

I have read and studied the “Ten Top Reasons to Preserve the Former Country Club of Woodbridge” with a great deal of skepticism, thought and concern.  While not doubting the veracity of the many facts presented, I question the weight of the argument.  It pales in comparison to the urgent needs of our community and the primary reasons to consider this property for opportunity housing.

During the public comments at a recent Affordable Housing Committee meeting, Alana Rosenberg said, “It is disheartening to see so much resistance to the proposal to use a segment of the Country Club of Woodbridge while also preserving open space for town use, even in the face of a lawsuit as we use town resources fighting the right of people from lower economic opportunities to live in our town.”  She further stated, “There aren’t many times in life when the ethics of a situation are as clear cut as this one.”

We all appreciate open space and understand the importance of it, but in light of the fact that we own 155 acres of land with public water and sewer, surely, we can devote 30 of those acres to opportunity housing.  There are seniors who want to downsize, those who work in town but cannot afford to live here, young families just starting out, hardworking cost burdened individuals, among others who will benefit from a much-needed change in our outdated housing policies.  Mica Cardozo is undoubtedly the candidate who will best facilitate this conversation and move us forward.

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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