Know your neighbors, know your town, empower the community.

Letter: To the Board of Finance Members

June 22, 2023
Time to read:

A town-based Health & Wellness Fitness Center is a valuable asset to our community.  It provides a facility to focus on both the personal and physical development of community residents.  The joy of working out and meeting with fellow town residents brings family and friends together.

While over the years many fitness facilities have opened and provide excellent workout areas, they are impersonal and do not provide a sense of community.  Getting to know your neighbors and interacting with them on a local level can make for a stronger sense of community.

Our town-based Health & Wellness fitness center provides a space that is used by people who would not join other gyms.  Many people lead sedentary lifestyles.  The larger fitness facilities offer many opportunities and are filled with a wide range of skill levels and are heavily used.  For some, however, those fitness facilities may be intimidating.  Some are hesitant to join such a facility.

The importance of a community-based facility is to offer these individuals a setting that is inviting and on a smaller community scale, to find camaraderie as they connect with community members of varied ages, while staying physically active.  Residents will find it easier to be proactive about their health and well-being in a local community center that promotes local community involvement.

As we enjoy greater longevity, we continue to need to feel connection with others, both on an emotional and physical level.  The Woodbridge Recreation Department Health & Wellness Fitness Center provides the space and opportunity to facilitate social connection of our town residents.  One of the most important aspects of a community fitness center is to provide an environment that promotes health and a space of mutual support.  The Health & Wellness and Fitness Center sends a message that we care about our fellow residents, of all ages, fostering community health and community involvement.

There is no doubt that daily physical activity is important for our town residents from the oldest to the youngest.  The Health & Wellness Fitness Center is an environment that boosts the attitude of community members.  Keeping active promotes independence.  For over 30 years, under the supervision of trained instructors, our town Health & Wellness Fitness Center has provided our residents with a designated space for advancing physical health as well as social well-being and development.

We hope the Board of Finance will continue to support the importance of this town resource.  With plans to relocate the town Health & Wellness Fitness Center in the new Community and Cultural Center, the Recreation Department plans to continue to promote the facility to increase annual dues through increased membership.  Within the new Community and Cultural Center, the planned Health & Wellness fitness space will also incorporate recreational activities such as a ping pong table along with traditional fitness equipment to meet the needs of a wide range of community members.

Thank you for your consideration.

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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