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Letter: Voting for Halprin for First Selectman

September 28, 2023
Time to read:

I hear Mica Cardozo is a nice man, but his four years as Deputy First Selectman suggest he lacks the guts required to lead our town.  In all that time he never publicly challenged his party’s approach on any issue, including the former Country Club and our ever-increasing budget.  Now he says he has a 100-day planreally?

In sharp contrast First Selectman candidate Marty Halprin is a retired firefighter.  September 11 offers a vivid reminder of the guts it takes to choose firefighting as a profession.  These are the guys who run into burning buildings when the rest of us are running out of them.

Marty’s father developed a property management business and Marty could have followed his father’s path.  Instead, Marty chose both to continue the business AND serve as a professional firefighter.  Together these two pursuits give him the business savvy, leadership skills, and emergency management expertise to lead our town well.

On November 7th I am voting for Marty Halprin for First Selectman.

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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